If a player breaks a core roleplay rule during a scenario, always stay in character. Finish the roleplay to the best of your ability then report the incident after. Witnessing someone else breaking a rule does not give you permission to break the rules yourself!
We also recommend recording gameplay for use if you have to make a report.
Temporary Rules
These are temporary rules put in place to cover issues related to missing functionality or specific situations, in short the stuff that we hope we can remove through changes in our scripts and systems down the line.
1. Faction Equipment civilians are not allowed to have or use.
The exception to this list is items given by an admin for use in ONE SPECIFIC roleplay scenario
– Handcuffs
– Firearms
– Stormrams
– Flashlights
– Revivekits
– ECG (Defib)
2. Melee Weapons will only be accessible by receiving one from an admin
All melee weapons have been removed from stores so we can control how many are available at any given time. To get one you will have to either receive one from an admin randomly (in roleplay) or advocate for what scenarios you want to use it for.
We do not want to remove a weapon from play outside of roleplay. This means that if we have reached our current limit for weapons you might have to trade for one with other players or wait until a weapon comes out of play (seized by police)
Some Melee weapons might be removed at server restarts if we feel the current amount of weapons is higher than what we want, this is only an emergency protocol and primarily we want weapons to come out of play naturally as stated above.
3. Items you are not allowed to steal from other people
– Driver license
– ID Card
4. Bodycam footage
As we do not have a system to handle verifying if the person taking video for in roleplay use had a camera item we will not be allowing footage to be used in roleplay.
As soon as we implement our bodycam script there will be ways to use your game footage as a reference for in roleplay situations.
The only exeption to this is police bodycamera, as long as the mdt patrol is visible this will be accepteed as evidence in any cases.
5. Acceptable handcuff use
To be allowed to handcuff someone you must either:
get their consent: An acceptable way can be to verbally say “You are being put under arrest please put your hands behind your back”, as long as the person you are interacting with complies you are free to apply the handcuffs.
Outside of that you must subdue them before the handcuffs can be put on.
In this context subduing will be any action that renders the person unable to resist, examples include: tackling someone, tasering, or rendering them unconscious.
You are not allowed to rush up to anyone and “rush” apply handcuffs, they are a tool that should be used with intent and roleplay.
This rule will be changed once we implement a more fair handcuff system.
Currently, this rule only affects police but as soon as our criminal version of the handcuffs comes in (zip-ties) this will also apply to them.
6. Admin Ambulance Service - "Bellas Ambulance"
If you are treated by the admin ambulance service it is up to the workload on them if you will be transported to hospital or if you are treated on scene.
This will often be up to the workload of the admin team as they are stepping in if the nhs are dealing with to high a workload or are unavailable meaning that the admin team is the only medical services available and might have to move quickly from one case to another.
General Roleplay Rules
These are rules that governs any in roleplay scenario and location.
1. Stay in Character
Do not focus on gameplay over roleplay.
You should never focus on gameplay goals or “winning” the situation to a point where it impacts the roleplay.
Keep a realistic “value of life”
You must always value your own life and the life of other characters. Characters should always behave in a realistic manner to the situation they are in. Especially those who may lead to injury or death.
(If you are unsure if something would fall outside of this, have a talk with the admins)
You only have one life.
In roleplay, you can never “die” You may go down and wake up at the hospital (or in the care of nhs / bellas), anything that lead up to you waking up in the hospital (or in the care of nhs / bellas) is considered gone from your memory and you may not utilize any of that information in further roleplay situations. You must also wait until the scenario at your “pass out” location is finished before returning there.
Do note, this only means YOU can’t remember the details of this situation (unless someone else fills in the blank info), everyone else still does, so any crime that you have committed you might still answer for if you get caught. (So “going unconcious” is not a get out of jail free card)
The only exeption to this is if you wish to delete your characther and start a new one. In that case you may open a ticket in discord and the admin team will assist you in planning and setup for how something like that could happen. Due note that this means you start entierly fresh, jobs, connections, friends, money and assets all gets wiped off you.
2. Do not "Force RP"
Never force a roleplay situation onto someone else without giving them an opportunity to react, or have a choice in the scenario.
This includes but is not limited to
– Taking someone that is AFK hostage
– Claiming to be related to another character without their knowledge
– Forcing any form of permanent body changes or mutilation onto someone without permission
3. No Metagaming
Metgaming, the use of information that you as the player know but your character has not yet learned or have no way to know.
This means you can not act on any information that your characther has not directly learned through roleplay. (This also includes information that you have lost due to “dying”)
4. Avoid Roleplay Blurring
There should always be a clear separation between “in character” (IC) and “out of character” (OOC) behavior and knowledge.
If your personal feelings start to show in your roleplay, we highly recommend that you take a break from the server.
This also means that you may not use information gained from an OOC discord room.
You may also NOT talk about IC things while in an OOC discord room.
If you both are connected to the server IC matters should happen over in-game means (phone, meetings, radio, etc)
You may use an IC discord room to handle IC matters when you can not be on the server to deal with it directly (At real-world work, holidays, etc)
If you are connected to the server and HAVE to go out of roleplay you must find a secluded location, preferably somewhere you can lock yourself in (apartment, house, office) if you must go fast, you may run to an alley or similar and perform an emote that fits the location eg laying on a mattress, sleeping or leaning.
5. Interactions with NHS
If you go down (unconscious or “dead”) and NHS arrives to help you, You are in their custody until they tell you you’re good to go. This means you may NOT resume what you were doing until they say you are good to go.
For example:
You are a police officer and have been downed in the middle of some scenario, when you are saved by the NHS you may not instantly run after the criminal that downed you, you must remain with NHS until they say otherwise.
6. Interactions with the Admin team.
If you are asked to stop what you are doing by an admin you must comply.
If you see a solid black vehicle with the text “Government Agent” on it with its red flashing lights on it indicates that this area is currently off access due to the admins dealing with something, any interaction near this zone is outside of character and roleplay.
You are not allowed to interact with any admin vehicle unless the admin specifically asks you to get in as a passenger.
If you see an admin NOT in or near his admin vehicle, he is NOT to be approached for OOC things, in this state he is part of normal roleplay.
You can always open a ticket in our discord if you need assistance.
7. The safeword - "pufferfish"
We are implementing a safeword (“pufferfish”), this is a word that when used should indicate to everyone in the roleplay scenario that this scenario is going in a direction the caller of the safe word is not comfortable with.
If you hear this we expect you to change your roleplay scenario to another direction or giving the person calling
it an way out of the scenario without breaking roleplay.
Keep in mind this is not a word you should use often, it is meant to give you a way out for scenarios that touch on topics you find to be no goes, beyond our code of conducts banned topics.
You are not allowed to use the safeword as a means to avoid normal roleplay scenarios. Miss utilization of the safeword will be punished as any other rule break.
8. Other Discord Servers
We only consider the servers listed below to be in roleplay, these servers are ALWAYS considered in roleplay.
This also means that you can not use ANY information gained from any other discord server not on the list in any roleplay.
– The main Bradford RP server (id: 1235516925983985665)
– Bradford RP Police (id: 1247652173597118515)
– Bradford RP Supreme Court (id: 1254051340116688996)
Citizen Companies:
– Bradford RP MK Dealers & Tuners (id: 1251853886344400957)
– Jessops Haulage and Recovery (id: 1226929670491209748)
9. Commit to the Scenario
When you start an RP scenario, you must see it through to the end. For example, if you engage in an interaction with the police and are caught, you must remain in the RP until the scenario concludes, such as being processed and sent to jail. Exiting prematurely disrupts the experience for others and is not allowed.
10. No cop baiting
Deliberately provoking or antagonizing police officers without a valid RP reason is prohibited. Actions like speeding repeatedly in front of police or causing unnecessary chaos just to get their attention disrupts the flow of roleplay and is not allowed.
Faction Roleplay Rules
These are rules directly aimed at our faction members
1. Police specific rules
If you “go unconcious” and respawn at the hospital you can not return to the scene until that scene is finished,
once it is you may return and conduct an investigation.
Searching someone can only be done when they are either in handcuffs or have given verbal consent for you to do so.
2. NHS specific rules
When responding to a scenario controlled by police, remember that they are in charge of where and when you go in to treat people.
If you arrive in a scenario controlled by criminals (police are “dead” or you arrive first) remember that you must value your life and listen to their commands.